Embracing a Higher State and Manifesting for the Long Term at this very Piscean Full Moon


At the time of the Virgo New Moon on the 30th of August all the personal planets were in Virgo, followed shortly afterwards on the 2nd of September by a helpful and energizing union of the energies of the Sun and Mars. The predonderance of earth at this time is also boosted by the slower moving outer planets Saturn and Pluto journeying through Capricorn, and the current residence of Uranus in Taurus.

Next week begins (9th and 10th of September) with a challenging interaction between the Sun and Jupiter which may be pushing us to take on more than we can handle, while an opposition to Neptune will bring uncertainty and more awareness of the needs of others. We may be able to achieve a lot if we are organized and thoughtful in our approach and make good use of the clarity that follows the sorting process promoted by Virgo.

While the fast moving Moon had moved into Libra by the 1st of September, the Virgo angst does not begin to lighten up into a peace and harmony quest until the day of the Pisces Full Moon when Venus and Mercury come together as they both enter Libra.

Pisces’ ruler Neptune is in close proximity to the Moon, increasing the sense of idealism and compassion at the Pisces Full Moon. This uplifting culmination is strengthened by Venus and Mercury joining forces to contribute a sense of love, easy sociability and intelligent understanding to the mix. This magical event is exact at 2:33 pm on Saturday September 14 at 22 degrees of Pisces, with the Sun opposite in Virgo. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon: A prophet carrying tablets of the new law is walking down the slopes of Mount Sinai describes the task of bringing divine revelation or realizations associated with some kind of peak experience down to earth to be communicated in everyday terms. Surely a poetic Full Moon all round!

Mars will be joining forces with the Sun in its opposition to the Moon, which is with Neptune, bringing creative energy, fantasy and lots of passion to this period.The Full Moon also coincides with the final pass of Jupiter in Sagittarius, once again in challenging aspect with Neptune in Pisces. At best Jupiter and Neptune are birthing some sort of spiritual awakening as a precursor to re-imagining our world view as we head into some sort of global reset from 2020. While we are drawn to something larger and a sense of meaningful inspiration, it may be particularly important to resist the urge to escape at this time. This is not a time to take risks as we may struggle with discernment about what’s real and what mere fantasy.

The forecast period draws to a close with Saturn going forward again on the 19th of September, where it is joining forces with the South Node of the Moon. This is building the right conditions for concrete efforts to move away from fear and to address control issues. This is probably very old stuff and with the Cancer North Node in the frame it’s a perfect time to open up our hearts and step into the associated sense of vulnerability.


Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House