Keeping your Frequency High and The Gemini New Moon


Astrological planetary cycles are complex and varied, ranging from the monthly cycle of the Moon to the 248 year cycle of Pluto. In 2005 dwarf planet Eris was discovered with its 560 year cycle extending the solar system orbit. We focus on the cycle of the Moon because it goes to the heart of our feelings and needs and our soul’s memories, in the short term. While it is always important to see the larger picture, in astrological terms this can transcend single lifetimes to describe humanity’s journey more broadly.


My last column Finding Your Hidden Power and Strength at the Scorpio Full Moon spoke about going through an alchemical process and unearthing and releasing old emotional patterns that no longer serve us. The process and outcome of the Federal election was indeed Plutonian, plumeting many of us into the underworld, requiring us to dig especially deep to see light at the end of the tunnel. The Full Moon occurred just hours after the dawning reality of the Federal election results. While the highest form of Scorpio is embodied as the pheonix rising from the ashes of destruction, in its lowest form it’s the scorpion stinging anyone that gets in its way. Scorpionic Tony Abbott is the public figure who perhaps best exemplfies the latter and his departure from the political stage just hours before the Full Moon perhaps gives a glimmer of hope that some of the worst of the Governmental implosion may be over.


With Pluto ruling Scorpio and interacting with the Full Moon via a connection to the Sun, this Full Moon provided a cameo focus on the gathering storm of the Pluto Saturn conjunction of early 2020. This is associated with major structural social change and governments and financial institutions are central and is linked to the downfall of those who abuse power, while teaching us all about control and responsibility.

While the policies of the Federal Government may not auger well for tackling climate change the journey of Uranus through earth related Taurus over the next seven years can be expected to help through changing our values, raising humanity’s appreciation of the earth and sparking inventions and groups of people to clean up the earth. The rug-pulling techniques of Uranus can feel profoundly disruptive but lead us to positive transformation. The mature influence of Uranus can bring about deep changes that serve to better the way in which we organize ourselves collectively.

Finally the New Moon occurs at 8:01pm on Monday the 3rd of June at the 13th degree of Gemini. The Sabian Symbol A World Famous Pianist Giving a Concert Performance speaks to the need to lay one’s talents on the line often in front of others, without fear of rejection or ridicule. A key here is the importance of everyday practice. Show that you are skilled and practiced and you will earn the praise and respect of others. Words are powerful at ths New Moon and it may be a good time to refresh your vocabulary, or even your midset.


Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House