Seeing Clearly and Healing: A Poweful Virgo Super New Moon  

Issues of control remain high on the agenda with the retrograde journey of Mars in Aries (until mid-November) bringing us towards the second of a series of three squares with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. These slower moving planets are all still in Capricorn and key to the Great Global Re-set of 2020. The authoritarian perserverance of Saturn, the expansive belief of Jupiter and the transformative drive of Pluto have all been subject to a very sober and karmic Capricornian alchemy. This too shall pass as only Pluto will remain in Capricorn beyond December. Each of us has been called on to surrender a sense of control as a necessary first step to powerful changes in our consciousness. 

There’s an important new energy available in September, propelling us forward and to some sort of mastery of our lives. We are assisted in the hard work, the health focus and the need for service to our community with the Sun in Virgo until the 23rd of September aligning beautifully with the Capricorn team. And Jupiter’s return to forward movement on the 13th of September serves as a reminder that we have been gathering wisdom during four months of retrograde motion and we can now focus on a future vision.

This New Moon will have a particularly powerful effect especially as it is occuring particularly close to the Earth. The Virgo Super New Moon is exact at 9:00pm precisely on September the 17th right on 25 degrees representing A Flag at Half-Mast in Front of a Public Building. The reference here is to the social acknowledgment of a job well done and a destiny fulfilled. The symbol implies the ability to carry any task to ultimate fulfillment, providing this task is carried out with reference to the needs of the collective. With the New Moon in Virgo there is a focus on service, healing and the ancient wisdom of the earth. 

While New Moon time is always excellent for planning, an exact harmonious trine to Saturn contributes increased opportunity for subsequent manifestation of long term plans. Mercury, ruler of the New Moon, interacts with Jupiter adding a sense of optimism and expansion to future planning.

The tension between Mars and Saturn is at its most powerful after the New Moon and yet the approaching Mars-Saturn square is already starting to feel like driving a car with the brakes on. While this may be somewhat exhausting, courage and caution and a good deal of self-control will help us through. These are times of great frustration as well as providing the opportunity to review and improve plans for the future or seek new and better ways of doing things. 

With the Sun moving into Libra just prior to midnight on Tuesday the 22nd of September we are at the Spring Equinox. This marks the balance point when day and night are of equal length and relationships come into focus. 


Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House