The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time (Abraham Lincoln)

The Sun moved into Gemini on Monday 21st of May, picking up the pace a little and bringing curiosity and a social and talkative energy to the month ahead.

A harmonious water trine between Neptune and Jupiter (exact on Saturday 26 May) brings a sense of deep peace and mysticism and heralds the expansive vision so evident at this full Moon. Full Moons are about culmination, release and letting go of the past. This one, becoming exact during the early minutes of Wednesday 30 May, also encompasses an expansive, futuristic flavour. The Sagittarius Full Moon is about surging forward with a sense of courage, adventure, honesty and wisdom. Communication is the theme that unites the opposites of the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. It’s an emotional time, highlighting joy as a particularly enticing experience. It’s a good time for travelling to a new place, either literally or figuratively — to see a different part of the world, or to see the same world through different eyes. (Your Sagittarian astrology writer will be night star gazing in Far North Queensland at this time).

A previous column highlighted the entry of Chiron into Aries in mid April, where it will remain for the particularly extended period of eight years. A key focus here is on deep healing of the ego, and particularly the wounded masculine. The importance of grounding within our physical body is once again reinforced, following the change of sign of Uranus into Taurus in mid May. Coincidentally both Chiron and Uranus will remain in these signs until 2026. Both the karmic nodes of the Moon and Mars, the cosmic warrior, have been prominent throughout this period, adding an extra degree of potency and a focus on the healing of abandonment issues and exploring avenues to improve self worth. An evolving shift in our values could progress from the current emphasis on material value onto our inner sense of value.

Mars is both powerful and visible in the night sky, as it slows towards retrograde. This planet is relatively close to the earth at this time and by July will appear as bright as Sirius. Naturally the full Moon outshines them both. This could be a particularly exciting, passionate and expansive Full Moon. Remember to breathe deeply and support your nervous system.



Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House.