By the 3rd of June the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are all in curious and flexible Gemini bringing an energetic tone where the changeable, curious mind expresses itself through friendly interactions with others and through endless questions. In the process they all form trines to Pluto adding depth, intensity and a possible focus on elimination. This is an early glimpse of the life changing Pluto–Uranus trine which will dominate 2025-2029 and relates back to the conjunction of these planets that ruled the zeitgeist of the sixties. Neptune remains at the final degree of the zodiac and speaks to the power of clearly visualised ideals to mould the life of the visualiser, while reminding us of the importance of knowing what we want.

The Gemini New Moon occurs at 10:37 pm on the 6th of June at 17 degrees and is symbolised as: The Head of a Robust Youth Changes into that of a Mature Thinker, describing the transformation of physical vitality into the power to build concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can be transferred. What we see pictured is the transformation of emotions into mind, of instincts into thought – a process of mental metamorphosis. This is a time when one feels secure in responding to a variety of mental stimuli and in being involved in more than one activity at a time. Venus is less than a degree away from the Sun and Moon, which also aspects Pluto, Saturn and the Lunar Nodes. Then restriction and boundaries temporarily slow us down somewhat as Venus, the Sun and Mercury each square Saturn on the 8th, 9th and 12th of June respectively.

With Mars and Pluto forming a stressful square on the 11th of June there’s a desire to penetrate to the core of experience and an urge to transform situations and eliminate impediments through decisive and at times ruthless action. This could stir up power struggles both personally and globally.

The energy begins to shift mid-month as Venus and Mercury immerse themselves in the emotional waters of Cancer on the 17th of June. Then at 6:51 am on the 21st of June the Sun joins them in Cancer, where one expresses self creatively through emotions and feels the need to be recognized for sensitivity. This signals the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. With Pluto forming an irritating quincunx aspect with the Sun, with relevance until the Spring Equinox, powerful life-changes focusing on reform and transformation are indicated.

The Full Moon occurs at 11:07 am on the 22rd of June at 2 degrees of Capricorn, symbolised as: Three Rose Windows in a Gothic Church, One Damaged by War. It references the necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values underpinning group-integration. The Capricorn Full Moon is a time when one tends to react with self control and determination and there’s a need to manipulate the world and others in order to feel secure and to have authority. Neptune is forming a close square to the opposed Moon and Sun at this time. Self image blends with the attempt to realize the spiritual dimension of experience and is secure only when the ideas come into focus.

Saturn apparently grinds to a halt to begin its retrograde phase on the 29th of June and will be followed by Neptune in early July. This is a time to listen to your heart and act compassionately.