Seeing Things Differently at the Aquarian Full Moon

While restless Mars has been rocketing through its own sign of Aries for the last month, ensuring a self willed urge for action, this may not feel like a particularly active period. There is still much internal focus with Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune soon to be joined by Uranus in their retrograde inward journey. Mars will remain in Aries until the start of the New Year and won’t go retrograde until September. July ends with Mercury opposing Jupiter encouraging expansive communication fuelled by curiosity. The next day, on the 1st of August, Mercury forms an opposition with Pluto suggesting a tendency to learn through intense and transformative experience.


For the past few weeks and for the month of August the South Node of the Moon lines up with the Galactic Centre. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, rotates around this energy centre, which was discoverd in 1974. Located at 27 degrees of Sagittarius the Galactic Centre is the size of four million Suns. With the transiting South Node strongly associated with our collective past karma its presence at the Galactic Centre now encourages us to purge out of date thinking and ideas.This helps to create space to embrace the new information and new possibilities that are so available to us, although perhaps as yet at a subconscious level, at this potent time.

The Aquarian Full Moon occurs at 1:58 am on the 4th of August at 12 degrees of Aquarius which is characterised as People on a Vast Staircase Graduated Upwards. This location reminds us of the need to recognise the differences of types and levels of development amongst individuals, wherever human beings live and work together. While every human being is potentially divine as an individual person, the natural progression of states of consciousness is an unavoidable reality to accept at the social-mental level. While the drive of Aquarius is towards equality, its ruler Uranus also speaks to the unique qualities of each individual within the collective humanity. This is a key to this Full Moon made all the more potent by the close square formed between both the Sun and Uranus and the Moon and Uranus at this time. Expect the unexpected, including shock, liberation and disruption.

In this the biggest change year that most of us have experienced to date we are being shown where we need to become unstuck and where further growth is required. Be patient in your communication but stay open to new information, opportunities for accelerated learning and further pieces of the new narrative that is surely opening up to us. While Mercury’s opposition to Saturn is showing us that something apart from our masked-up airways is blocked, a Jupiter-Neptune link up is outlining visionary potentials. This Moon provides a hint of what’s to come in early 2021, by which time we will hopefully be able to step away from our bunkers and participate on whatever level in the co-creation of a more humanitarian future.


Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House