Connecting with your Soul Energy at a Passionate Pisces New Moon

Mars and Venus continue their unusually long dance together throughout the next three weeks with Mars interacting favourably with Neptune on Thursday the 24th and with another Neptune sextile occurring, this time with Venus, less than 24 hours later. This would be a particularly opportune time to immerse oneself in dreams and imagination before later on Friday the 25th of February, when a square between Mercury and Uranus can bring innovation and sudden breakthroughs, with a lot of fast talk and the odd surprise.

By the time of the New Moon, Mars and Venus have both travelled to be within a degree of Pluto. The blending of the need to feel pleasure and harmony with the desire and impetus for action constitutes a particularly creative and erotic union of masculine and feminine energy. With Pluto so close to the lovers this will be a particularly deep, intense and transformative experience. Something new is emerging about now and profound soul growth is on the agenda.

Just an hour before the New Moon, while most of us are asleep, Mercury and Saturn come together suggesting a serious note and slowing down. And with all the personal planets having close interactions with outer planets around this time, there’s lots of intense energy around this event.

The New Moon occurs at 3:34 am on the 3rd of March at 13 degrees. This degree of the zodiac is described as An Ancient Sword, Used in Many Battles, is Displayed in a Museum. Through the effectual use of the will a consecrated person can become a symbol of courage for all those who follow in their footstep. In contrast to the many battles that have ensued, the message here is to lay down one’s sword and aim for more peaceful solutions. To continue to fight will only lead to a bitter end with no clear victors. This seems to be an especially pertinent current reference. How long can one go on battling and fighting? With the sword secured within the walls of the museum there is not so much concern about its future use.

With the Moon joining the Sun and Pisces’ co-rulers Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and with Jupiter keeping the focus on the bigger picture and protecting our spirits, intuition is particularly strong now. Venus is also trining the Venusian Taurus North Node, which is indicative of social harmony.

With so much earth and water energy around we can dream big and create a broad vision while being careful to use the earth energy to ground the vision in reality and the necessary detail.