The Winter Solstice and Subsequent New & Full Moon on the Cancer-Capricorn Axis

By the time you read this we will have emerged from the shortest day of the year, with the entry of the Sun into nurturing Cancer on the evening of the 21st of June. Although we are still entering the depths of winter at this sacred time when the veil between the worlds is thin, the hope of brighter days is upon us. At the solstice, Latin for Sun Stops, the Sun is at the Tropic of Cancer before turning around to journey towards the Tropic of Capricorn. With the Sun in Cancer for the next month strength is experienced through nurturing and the expression of sensitive and maternal qualities. We may experience an instinctual urge to protect our ego and to creatively express ourselves through a focus on emotions.

The New Moon occurs during the early afternoon of the 29th of June at 8 degrees of Cancer characterised as Rabbits Dressed in Human Clothes Walk as if on Parade. The reference is to the learning process whereby all forms of life imitate higher forms as a stimulus to growth. This links to the concept of developing consciousness and furthering one’s growth through association with those who have already reached a superior evolutionary or mental level.

On the same day as the New Moon, Neptune, in its own sign of Pisces since 2012 and there until 2025, turns retrograde.  Neptune has hovered at 26 degrees of Pisces since the day before the election of our Piscean Prime Minister and will remain there until early August, ensuring that its influence is particularly potent. Poignantly the Sabian Symbol for the degree of Neptune’s position during this period translates to A New Moon Reveals that it is Time to Go Ahead with Different Projects.─ reinforcing the importance of this Cancer New Moon as a powerful new beginning with the impetus to get new things started. It also speaks of a keen appreciation of the value of individualised responses to any challenge in life and a realisation of the fallacy of totalitarianism.

The Moon, at home in Cancer, emphasises nurturance, a natural sense of timing and sensitivity to the moods and reactions of others. There’s growth to be had at this Super Moon with an almost exact square to Jupiter in Aries suggesting that we are being asked to move forward with courage in some way while indicating that it’s safe to do so. Mars, also still in Aries, is providing extra energy for action and with a sextile to Saturn there’s help available us to move out of any earlier stagnation.

On the 5th of July Mars moves into Taurus where it is less impatient and strong actions tend to be directed to consolidation, productivity and the enjoyment of the simple pleasures of life.

Then on Thursday the 14th of July the Full Moon falls at 22 degrees of Capricorn characterised as By Accepting Defeat Gracefully, a General  Reveals Nobility of Character. This embodies the possibility of turning apparent external defeat into an inner spiritual achievement, depending on the quality of the will and one’s inner strength and integrity.  The self control and determination of the mountain goat are on the agenda at the Full Moon. Achievement and autonomy are under the spotlight and with both the Sun and Moon interacting positively with the North Node at this time there’s healing to be had. As you reflect on your progress commit boldly to what you want to get out of life.


Astrology by Gil Dwyer

Gil is an astrologer, editor and writer, with a Sagittarian passion for understanding what makes people tick. She believes that astrology can help to set the soul free and is a rich and wonderful way to explore the lifetime journey towards living the authentic self. Cosmic*Intelligence*Agency, Agent 25 first learnt to construct a natal chart by hand in the 1970s, holds a Diploma in Applied Astrology from the Chiron Centre which she finished in 2012 with the thesis Weird, Shocking and Unconventional: A Moon-Uranus Tale. She also has an Honours Degree in Sociology and a long history of social research, policy and planning in public health, women’s health and Aboriginal health and welfare. Gil has been doing a regular astrology blog for Kundalini House since 2017 and has been a keen Kundalini Yoga and QiGong student and member of Kundalini House for six years.  (