Emotional Endings and Beginnings: Libran Solar Eclipse and Taurus Lunar Eclipse

The transformational energy of Pluto will start to become more directly accessible once Pluto, the first of the outer planets to station to turn direct, does so on the 11th of October.

Subsequently moving through the final couple of degrees of Capricorn, Pluto will be back in Aquarius from January 2024 for a welcome twenty year sojourn. (Pluto in Aquarius can be anticipated to focus the zeitgeist on community, equality, feminism and liberation after the current focus on plutocracy and traditional patriarchy.)

After a rapid two and a bit week journey through cooperative Libra, Mars moves into passionate Scorpio on the 12th of October where there’s a need to channel and transform emotional power in order to effectively achieve one’s desires.

The Referendum is scheduled for a time when transiting Jupiter aligns closely with the Moon (representing the people) of the legal birth chart for Australian Federation dated the 1st of January1901.  Despite all indications to the contrary, this alignment suggests a positive response to the question of an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament. Then with the Sun and Moon at 22 degrees of Libra at 4:55 am on the 15th of October, perhaps just before we wake to find whether love or fear has won out at the Referendum, the New Moon forms an annular solar eclipse. While this eclipse is not visible in Australia, it is nevertheless quite powerful.  This degree of the zodiac described as: A child giving birds a drink at a fountain suggests the quality of simple souls caring about other people’s comfort, their safety and for how they feel. The Libran New Moon focuses the energy around maintaining balance and a peaceful environment and relating deeply and harmoniously with those you love. It is also suggestive of developing more self-belief and inner security.  The relevant eclipse series, which originated in 1248, is connected in its origin story with events moving at great speed, too fast to control easily.

Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 22nd of October encouraging deep and powerful communication and bringing a powerful need to learn through penetrating to the core of reality. This is followed by the Sun’s move into Scorpio on the 24th of October whence creative energy penetrates surface experience and there’s a craving for intensity especially in interpersonal relationships.

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse Full Moon perfects at 7.24 am on the 29th of October at 6 degrees opposite to the Sun in Scorpio. It will be partially visible in Australia.  The Sabian Symbol for the Moon is A Cantilever Bridge over a Deep Gorge, which relates to finding a creative and concrete solution to be able to cross to the other side of separation or a dilemma.  The Scorpio Sun is close by to Mercury and Mars, while the Moon is close to Jupiter at this eclipse. It’s time to let go of something from the past that relates to shared resources and things we value.