Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture offers a time-tested, natural, and non-invasive solution to diminish the effects of aging without resorting to chemicals or surgery. This ancient practice, rooted in centuries of tradition, provides a myriad of benefits aimed at revitalizing both the appearance and vitality of your skin. By promoting collagen production, toning muscles, enhancing circulation, and stimulating blood flow, studies have shown Facial Acupuncture rejuvenates your skin gently, effectively, and safely.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is much more than a cosmetic procedure. Acupuncture can change the energy flow within the body and initiate the process for constitutional transformation. If energy is not flowing freely throughout your body then your organs, muscles and lymphatic system cannot function properly, which can contribute to puffiness, bags and premature aging. The treatments can not only smoothen wrinkles and fine lines but also promote overall well-being. Patients may experience improved sleep, heightened energy levels, and enhanced digestion as their inner vitality shines through, reflected in a more youthful and radiant exterior.

As we age, the natural loss of muscle tone and mass in the face leads to sagging and wrinkles. Through targeted acupuncture points, this treatment stimulates muscle function, prompting a natural facelift that restores a healthier, more vibrant appearance.

Hair thin needles are placed inside the ear to induce relaxation, and body points are used which correspond to the individual’s specific needs. There may be a sense of well-being as a flood of endorphins are released throughout the body. Once you are in a state of deep relaxation, needles are placed on the face in acupuncture points as well as wrinkles. The needles placed in the wrinkles create a micro trauma, which causes collagen to be produced.

The treatment is complemented by techniques like facial cupping and Gua Sha which may further enhance the effects of the treatments. Treatments are very relaxing, and you will look forward to the refreshed, rested appearance you attain from each and every session.

A series of Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Treatments have the potential to:

  • Improves muscle tone
  • Reduces fine lines
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Reduces frown lines
  • Firms sagging jowels
  • Lifts drooping eyelids
  • Clears fat deposits
  • Improves skin tone

Best results are achieved with a block of 10 weekly sessions. This 10-week block can be repeated after a short break if there are other areas that the individual would like to work on.

Contraindications: include Pregnancy, Epilepsy, Seizures, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer (approval from doctor is required), Bruise easily or are taking blood thinning medication.

It is also recommended that migraine patients be migraine-free for a minimum of 3 months before commencing cosmetic acupuncture treatment.

Facial Cupping and Gua Sha

Facial Cupping

For thousands of years, the Chinese have used therapeutic cupping for asthma, fever, pain, TMJ, sinus congestion and many other physical concerns. Facial cupping can be transformative to your appearance either as a standalone treatment or as an addition to facial rejuvenation acupuncture. Benefits may include increased local circulation to the skin, drawing nutrients to the surface and enhancing absorption of lotions or serums.

Facial cupping can also increase blood flow, drain stagnant fluids and ease puffiness. By increasing blood flow and circulation to the skin, cupping can help the skin to regain its youthful appearance.

  • Facial cups are small and come in various shapes especially designed for your face. After applying lotion, a small cup is either “parked” for a few seconds over a deep wrinkle to increase blood flow to the area, or it is moved along the face and down the neck to drain lymphatic fluid and stimulate blood flow.
  • The treatment is designed to bring collagen to the surface, reduce puffiness & dark circles, diminish lines, and drain nasal sinuses and the lymphatic system.
  • Conditions such as TMJ and sinus pressure can be relieved with the increase to local blood supply and nourishment brought to the muscles and skin. This also allows for toxins to be carried away via the veins and the lymphatic system.
  • Facial cupping is entirely painless and is not an irritant to the skin; it can be used on rosacea, melasma and sensitive skin
Facial Gua Sha

Facial Gua Sha is a technique in which specially crafted handheld pieces of smooth jade are used to invigorate the skin, smooth out wrinkles and increase blood supply.

Facial Gua Sha can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions such as Acne, Rosacea, Melasma and dark circles. Facial Gua Sha is used as part of a comprehensive facial rejuvenation acupuncture program for wrinkles, sagging and puffiness.

Facial Gua Sha can address areas such as the neck and jowls, which are prone to sagginess. The increased blood circulation, which occurs during Gua Sha, helps to detoxify the face and move stagnant blood and inflammation, which can occur under the eyes. By providing increased blood flow to the face, the skin is better nourished and healthier.

  • Part of the benefit of the treatment is that acupuncture points on the face are massaged with the Gua Sha tool, which in turn benefits the internal organs. The better your liver and kidneys are working, the healthier your skin will appear.
  • A gentle massaging technique is used for deep lines, such as those between the eyebrows and on the forehead. This procedure relaxes the muscles, increases blood flow and rejuvenates the skin. The more relaxed the muscles are, the more relaxed you feel.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is available with Leoni Zakarias on Mondays, and Louisa Dalla Riva on Tuesdays and Fridays.


An initial 90 min session and 2 follow up 1hr sessions for $430
Or if you just need some follow up sessions 3 x 1hr for $400


Yun, Y., Kim, S., Kim, M., Kim, K., Park, J.-S., & Choi, I. (2013, July 28). Effect of Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture on Facial Elasticity: An Open-Label, Single-Arm Pilot Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2013/424313/

(2015). Gellisacupuncture.comhttps://gellisacupuncture.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/A-Multifaceted-Approach-to-the-Acupuncture-Treatment-of-Neuromuscular-Facial-Conditions.pdf