Release unwanted Burdens & Embrace Change: Equinox, Pisces New Moon & Libra Full Moon

March is an especially powerful month of endings and new beginnings, including powerful life changes for some. There is much forward momentum with all the planets gliding ahead throughout the month. Chiron is travelling close to the North Node and there’s a clear message about having the courage to be you.

On the 9th of March Mercury merges with Neptune suggesting that the need to express one’s perceptions and intelligence is inclined to be guided by idealism. Mercury then moves into Aries on the 10th of March indicating that a restless urge for action underlies energetic ways of speaking and creative use of skills. A few hours later, the Pisces New Moon, a Super Moon, occurs at 7:00 am at 21 degrees and is symbolised as: Under the Watchful and Kind Eye of a Chinese Servant, a Girl Fondles a Little White Lamb.

This speaks to growth in consciousness in its earliest tactile awareness of the wonders of unsophisticated living. There is a charm and ingenuousness in this scene – a vision of hope for the future that can only be felt, almost naively. The New Moon in Pisces invites periods of unfocused, freely imaginative daydreaming to help bring emotional energy. A positive and close sextile to Uranus promotes expansive and creative energy.

Venus enters Pisces on the 12th of March where affection is expressed sensitively, kindly and compassionately with the capacity for selfless giving. It conjoins Neptune on the 17th of March bringing the urge to transcend the material world. The Sun then enters Aries on the 20th of March marking the Autumn Equinox and radiating forceful, confident vitality wherein one may fill the need for recognition with self assertion and direct competitive actions. This the beginning of the zodiac marks the astrological New Year as a highly creative time of new beginnings. We move from the strong culminating Pisces energy, aided in releasing what we no longer need by the presence of both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Here we are cleaning out all the karmic debris and moving forward into pioneering Aries with compassion during this time of change.

Mars enters Pisces on the 23rd of March where initiative and will-power are coloured by sensitivity and compassion for others.

The Full Moon, a penumbral lunar eclipse, occurs at 5:01 pm on the 25th of March at 6 degrees of Libra and is partially visible from the eastern half of Australia. This zodiacal degree is symbolised as: A Person Watches their Ideals Taking a Concrete Form Before their Inner Vision. This reminds us of the need to visualise our dreams or ideals clearly in order to make them truly effectual. The Libran Full Moon is a time when one tends to react to the environment and all experiences with objectivity and a strongly developed sense of fairness. With Pluto still loosely forming a helpful sextile to the Sun we can expect significant change in relation to our values, supporting evolutionary growth in our relationship to self and other one to one relationships. We can expect unexpected change at this time as the Full Moon forms a motivational sesquisquare to unpredictable Uranus. The Saros Series (8 North) of eclipses to which this eclipse belongs is known to bring inventiveness as well as flashes of genius.