Always look on the Bright Side of Life: Trust Yourself


The cosmic weather over the last few months has been intense and unrelenting, what with three especially powerful eclipses, and all those planets going backwards from earth’s perspective. The forecast period begins and ends with powerful cosmic influences to assist us with making positive changes in our lives, provided we don’t act too rashly. Both Mars and Mercury are moving forward, with Mars in reforming and freedom loving Aquarius and Mercury moving into harmonious, fair minded Libra on the 23rd of September.

While the effects of the retrograde energies are gradually easing, Mars and Uranus are still squaring off against each other. This pattern first culminated at the beginning of May and we are experiencing it at its most intense for the final time between now and the 28th of September. This combination has been associated with intense global warming manifestations such as heatwaves, bushfires, volcanoes and earthquakes. On a human and personal level it can take the form of impatient assertion, rebellion against authority and the quest for originality and independence. By late September this too will pass.

The Sun crosses the celestial equator on Sunday the 23rd of September, marking the Spring Equinox, featuring equal duration of day and night. The associated drop in the magnetic field makes this a great time to access liminal space and higher levels of consciousness, and to tune ourselves up for the next few months. The Equinox also marks the movement of the Sun into the relationship sign of Libra. When the Sun is in Libra the focus is on relationship and social justice and it’s a great time to appreciate togetherness, harmony, art, and beauty.

Two days after the equinox the Sun opposes the Moon forming the next full moon in the early afternoon of Tuesday September 25, at 2 degrees of Aries . This cardinal Full Moon on the degree described as A Comedian Entertaining a Group of Friends, is suggestive of a need to let go of seriousness. Any yet we can’t afford to be too flippant this Full Moon draws in the serious energy of Saturn, with its associated sense of gravity and restriction. With the Moon in pioneering and individualistic Aries and the Sun in sociable and harmonizing Libra we are being asked to balance our single minded need for self assertion with our urge to create balance in relationships and to please others. Perhaps a compromise is in order between what we need to be more tolerant of in others and when we do really need to speak up about something that is not working for us in relationship. With Chiron lining up with the Moon, associated fears are linked to a deep soul wound related to your childhood memories, and suggesting solutions to such wounding and the chance to overcome fears and inhibitions.

While Saturn’s interaction with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Chiron brings a multitude of potential problems, Mars gives the strength and courage to overcome adversity.


Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House