Love and Future Possibilities: Jupiter into Capricorn and the Gemini Full Moon


As Saturn draws ever closer to Pluto some five weeks away from their fated meeting, Jupiter, the planet of expansion will meet the contraction of Saturn’s sign of Capricorn from Tuesday the 3rd of December, contributing to the buildup of planets there. In its home in Sagittarius for the past 12 months Jupiter has encouraged an innate faith in life and an optimistic and philosophical orientation to how we seek to grow and improve ourselves. But Jupiter has an important date with the 2020 line-up of planets in Capricorn. While it’s there for the next 12 months until December 2020 it will assist us with efforts to grow and improve ourselves through hard work, discipline and steady progress.


It’s not so long ago that we plummed the depths of perception with Mercury’s long stay back and forth within the sign of Scorpio. Mars finally moves into Sagittarius on the 9th of December, where our strong actions may tend to be more motivated by aspirations towards an ideal or a guiding vision for the future. There’s a restless need for exploration at this time. Although Mars is the last planet moving out of Scorpio, its ruler Pluto will keep us plumming the depths even from its vantage point in Capricorn.


The Gemini Full Moon will occur at 3:12 pm on Thursday the 12th of December at 20 degrees of mutable Gemini described as: A Modern Cafeteria Displays an Abundance of Food from Various Regions. This speaks to the assimilation of diverse forms of knowledge through the synthesizing power of the mind. It references a stage where we at when much has been gathered, including planetary consciousness. We are at this Full Moon warned against waste, over-indulgence, lack of discrimination and mental confusion. This rings especially true as we approach the Festive Season at a time where literal waste and how to deal with it is one of our biggest challenges. Or to quote Ashleigh Brilliant: The whole world is our dining room, but be careful: it is also our garbage can.


The visionary planet Neptune is implicated in the Full Moon, as it forms a square with both the Moon and the Sun. While the Gemini-Sagittarius axis speaks to communication, Neptune is perhaps enabling us to get beyond the self talk of the monkey mind—to sit in gratitude for all that we have and move our focus from the mind to the heart.


And if we think life is getting far too conservative and serious with all those planets (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus) and the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn, Uranus is also making its brilliant presence felt. It will form a trine with the other visionary and futuristic planet Jupiter for a few days after the Full Moon ensuring the potential for clarity and a breakthrough after a somewhat serious full Moon.