Harmony and Self Assertion at the Libra New and Aries Full Moon

With Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron all retrograde at the moment we can expect much reflection and revisiting of relationships and situations from the past. Mercury has been travelling retrograde through the early degrees of Libra since the 11th of September prompting a focus on re-assessing relationships, figuring out how to better relate to people and working on eliminating negative relationship habits. On the 24 September it reaches back into Virgo when it may become easier to organise any revelations into practical solutions. Mercury will remain in Virgo until the 11th of October after stationing to go direct again on the 3rd of October.

The Sun enters Libra marking the Spring Equinox on the 23rd of September encouraging the channelling of creative energy towards interpersonal relationships and initiating ideas. With a constant urge to create balance in one’s relationships and lifestyle it is important to ensure one’s sense of individuality is not totally overridden by a desire to please others.

The New Moon at 6:54am on the 26th of September is at three degrees of Libra which references  The Dawn of a New Day Reveals Everything Changed.  This speaks to the ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values. While the New Moon is always an excellent point in the lunar cycle for planning, the Libran New Moon focus is on the balance between our individual needs and our desire to build harmonious relationships with others. With Jupiter opposing the New Moon new solutions and an optimistic expansion are possible. Mercury and Venus are now travelling close together in the late degrees of Virgo helping to fill in the details, and are in harmony with Pluto at this time helping to unearth a truth or something powerful that has previously been overlooked.

Then on the 10th of October the Full Moon perfects at 17 degrees of Aries, described as Two Dignified Spinsters Sitting in Silence. This speaks to the ability to transform a natural lack of potency into poise and inner serenity and references the value of a dignified inward withdrawal. The Aries Full Moon is action oriented and energetic but beware of any tendency to be too impulsive or angry. Having experienced a rebalancing of our individual needs with our desires to relate closely with others at the recent New Moon, it is now time to focus on our own identity and the primary need to be true to our heroic self. We have to work on opening up more and not rejecting who we are and Chiron’s presence may assist with the associated healing. With Saturn interacting favourably with both the Moon and the Sun at this Full Moon we can anticipate assistance with the control of our emotions, and with making disciplined and practical progress on our goals and  plans.

Uranus and Saturn are once again close to the exact square that dominated the zeitgeist in 2021, but more on that next time.

Astrology by Gil Dwyer

Gil is an astrologer, editor and writer, with a Sagittarian passion for understanding what makes people tick. She believes that astrology can help to set the soul free and is a rich and wonderful way to explore the lifetime journey towards living the authentic self. Cosmic*Intelligence*Agency, Agent 25 first learnt to construct a natal chart by hand in the 1970s, holds a Diploma in Applied Astrology from the Chiron Centre which she finished in 2012 with the thesis Weird, Shocking and Unconventional: A Moon-Uranus Tale. She also has an Honours Degree in Sociology and a long history of social research, policy and planning in public health, women’s health and Aboriginal health and welfare. Gil has been doing a regular astrology blog for Kundalini House since 2017 and has been a keen Kundalini Yoga and QiGong student and member of Kundalini House for six years.  (gil.dwyer@gmail.com).