Deciding What Matters and Powerful Growth at the Scorpio New Moon


The Sun is now in Scorpio where creative energy penetrates surface experience through intense emotional power and intuition. There’s lots of watery emotion and fixed energy at this time.

A conservative tendency and a need for safety and security are provoked when the Sun forms a serious square with Saturn on the 30th of October. On the same day Mars moves into Scorpio, where the assertion of self is intense and physical initiatives are prompted by strong, if secretive, desire and endurance. To lighten and brighten things up a bit Mercury, now moving forward again in Libra, makes the third of three expansive and lucky trines with Jupiter which is effective from the 31st of October to the 2nd of November. Here communications tend to be wide-ranging, philosophical and overflowing with futuristic curiosity.


A fresh start is very much on the agenda when the New Moon occurs at 07:15 am on the 5th of November at the 13th degree of Scorpio, characterised as An Inventor Performs a Laboratory Experiment. This highlights the driving urge toward achievement which is at the root of civilisation. The development of more complete and efficient forms of social interplay, the essence of the process of civilisation, demands ingenuity, inventiveness and experimentation. Intuition is as necessary to success as intellectual analysis. What is most needed is the ability to step into unknown territory and be able to relate seemingly unrelated facts.


Shocks, surprises, unexpected events and the piercing sword of truth are on the agenda at this time, with the Sun and Moon exactly opposite Uranus, the planet of rebellion and revolution. A deeper level of consciousness is opening up within us all and with both the Sun and Moon in Scorpio it’s a very powerful and persistence transformation.Here’s hoping this augurs well for the potential success of the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, even though Australia is yet to take responsibility or have a coherant policy at the national level. This transformative New Moon is shining a light on something that you didn’t previously know about yourself and opening up a deeper level of consciousness within you. On the wider stage, with the Moon and Sun joining forces in Scorpio, expect secrets to be revealed that relate to the misuse and abuse of power and sexual misconduct over coming months.

It’s time to take stock of what we have let go of in the last few years and move forward with more power and a brand new sense of self. Maintaining our power, setting appropriate boundaries in relationships and trusting one’s intuition are all within grasp.  This is the beginning of eclipse season with a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus and a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius to follow between now and early December.

Venus moves into Capricorn on the 6th of November where it will remain until March 2022, bringing a fondness for goal setting and an element of ambition, self control, emotional reserve and responsibility into what we value and to matters of the heart.